The Science of Color™ was invited to present a symposium on: Ancient Egyptian use of Color in Healing.
The Early Egyptians believed that all aspects of health and illness were associated with a deity. The sick were ‘color diagnosed’ with treatments calling for patients to sit in rooms that radiated prescribed light & color.
This symposium was presented seated on the floor to an audience laying on these pillows for the opening of TEST BED: a Modern Abaton is an installation, an exhibition, and a series of fourteen public performances and dialogues on the interaction of space, the slumbering body, and the accessories of sleep.
Organized by Pillow Culture and sponsored by the MFA Interior Design Department at the Parsons School of Design, TEST BED was held at Parson’s Aronson Gallery located at 66 Fifth Avenue and 13th St. from February 17 through March 10, 2018.