The Science of Color™ on “Designers at Home” with Mark Weaver | 06/11/2021
On June 12, 2021 Gillian Rose joined renowned interior designer Mark Weaver for an informal and freewheeling discussion about the role of color in design. This conversation was held via Instagram as part of Mark Weaver’s “Designers at Home” series.
Gillian began the discussion by describing her early childhood interest in color (which sparked her career in interior design), as well as her own responses to color relative to personality and temperament. Gillian then explained the concept of color science and its relationship to neuroscience and psychology, explaining that individual color responses arise from people’s varying requirements for external stimulation, as well as their personality types (introvert vs. extrovert).
After this, she explained the history of color science, starting with Johann Goethe and his exploration into the function and psychology of colors, illustrated in his treatise Theory of Color and moving into the modern era with the work of Heinrich Frieling of the Institute of Color Psychology and his research into physiological responses to color, with a specific focus on learning environments.